For now, let's start off the first post of the year with a little Mommy Bragging Rights.
Today my oldest, Elijah, had a local taekwondo tournament. He's been going for almost a year and is a green belt. This is his fourth tournament he's competed in. He has brought in at least 3rd place every time. This tournament was the first he got 1st in! And not just in one category. He placed 1st in Forms and Weapons and 2nd in Sparring.
He did wonderful with his form so it was no surprise he got first. I make him practice a lot, especially when tournaments and testing is coming up and it's wonderful to see it pay off:) In Weapons the first time around everyone ended up with the same score so they had to do it again. While the kid who I thought did best the first time was slower the second time around, Elijah knew it was time to raise the bar and it brought him to first place! In sparring he was so close to first! But the other boy has some crazy quick kicks and Elijah got a few hits on him but in the end he lost top title. Still, 2 out of 3 is amazing. I'm extremely proud of him. February 4th is another tournament that is a few hours away in Ontario, CA. We can't wait!