Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Post!

*Deep breath in*

Do you smell that? It's the smell of a new blog. Similar to that new car smell. Or, I'd imagine as I've never actually owned a new car! And some how, I doubt those little tree air fresheners really capture the newness. Anyway, where was I going with this? As my husband would say, I have a tendency to go off on tangents, so expect that a lot here. Maybe I can make them pretty, when I go off topic I'll color it all purple or something. That way it looks pretty and you know what parts you can skip over if you're only interested in the subject at hand. But I don't have a subject do I?! NO! It's my first post, my first introduction into the blogging world. And, yes, I realize I am several years behind the trend. Hey, this year I got my first real cell phone. Better late than never!

So how about a "What To Expect"? This is like the question everyone dreads at an interview, correct? You know, the one that goes along the lines of "Why should we hire you?" Why should you read my blog? Because I'm interesting, cool, fun, funny, and you'll never know what to expect! Ain't that the truth. Because I haven't decided what this blog will become. I expect there to be a lot of pictures though...but with more relevance to my post, unlike the pretty lily picture (that I took at the Turtle Bay Museum in Red Bluff, California) I have posted above just because. Expect anecdotes about life, random musings, and plenty of crazy stories involving my kids that will surely make most childless people fear those two blue lines on that little strip of plastic. I might also throw in the occasional recipe and what have you as the holidays are approaching and I love to bake; it's the one thing I feel I'm rather good at. My cookies are the bomb! And I can add little extras to the regular recipes to help those with less than stellar baking skills achieve the soft moist yummy cookie that stays soft moist and yummy day after day without ever turning into a hard crumbly mess that only a mouse would enjoy.

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